Google AdWords Express alternatives
Here the list- Australia,Brazil,Canada,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,New Zealand,Netherlands,Poland,Spain,United Kingdom, United States, Austria, Czech republic.
Now if you are not in this list, you still can promote your business in your locality with local classified websites. Yes, here you will get almost same(almost, not same) impact comparing AdWords Express. You just need to chose some best local classified website which has highest number of daily visitor. And then put a front page premium ad or right under category ad on it.
Google AdWords Vs Classified advertising
AdWord express
Classified website
Search results
Instantly in top position of Google search engine page.
Lower position in search engine page (depends on popularity of the classified site see picture bellow )
Here you unable to describe your business in details.
Here you can describe your business in details.
Here you unable to give picture of your business.
Here you can upload picture of your business products.
Targeting customers
You can target your customers by only keywords. So, your business will not visible until perfect keywords used.
You can target your customers by keywords (tag).As your business will visible in front page so, it will also visible to all kind of customers.
Your business will visible in Google map.
Depends on availability of map facility.
Cost depends on keywords. Here you can choose only CPC or CPM to set your cost.Visibility of your business will stop after a certain number of clicks or impression received( Depends on your cost setting)
You can generate unlimited numbers of clicks and impression for a certain time period. (It depends on time set up of your premium ads). Ads package is different for different classified sites.
You will have full control to configure your ads.
You can’t configure your ads in classified websites.
Searching results of keyword Flat in new town-
In some cases classified websites are best for advertising your business products, but overall AdWords Express is the best. Because almost 95% of internet user are using Google search engine. And also your ads will appear on Google partner’s website’s(AdSense user website). So, here you will get more traffic in very short of time.
But if AdWords Express is not available in your country, then go with classified websites for promoting your business in your locality.