Useful Tips to Make Money With a Blog.
At first we have to know that most of blogger are truly making six figure income using contextual advertising program like AdSense. Honestly, it is only contextual advertising program which can give you much number of click and higher CTR rate.
Here some tips to make money with a blog.
- Use keywords: Contextual advertising program are displaying keyword related ads. Because, these are made for targeting the keywords in your content and search queries. If most of your traffic coming form search engine using different keywords, then here you will get more click to your contextual ads. For example: suppose you wrote a topic targeting a keyword ”old car” then, contextual advertising program will show ”old car” related ads. So, here is more chance to get clicks on ads by that customer.
- Write Unique and keyword related content: Don’t write ordinary content. Write keyword related content. A content which describe your targeting keyword is called keyword related content. This types of contents will give more clicks because, the content will describe the keywords as well as related contextual ads.
- Write for others: Always write for your audience. Write those topic which may help others. This is the only process to make an audience coming back. Useful contents can make your blog so popular in very short time.
Note: Using keywords is the only way to make money form a blog using different advertising program. More keyword means more organic traffic and more clicks to ads.
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